How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time.
The nature of pointillism is one of meditative intricacy and intimate investment. ​
This entire story began with a single dot on a beach in Hawaii. And here we are, millions of dots later, building a brand and pursuing some big dreams. I'll admit that I did, at one point early on, have a very strong vision emerge for what this art could become. But the journey between that first dot and this moment is not something I could have contained in my mind at that time. It would have overwhelmed me.
The process of creating and growing Brian's Dots has taught me so much, and simultaneous with that has been my own personal evolution, particularly throughout these two decades since my accident and discovering art. There's been moments when the obstacles seemed insurmountable--or the details consuming--yet, I've always, eventually, found myself on the other side. (With a little more wisdom, love, and perspective.) "The obstacle is the way," as they say. It's true.
When I start a new piece of art, I'm looking at a giant, blank page that could be anything, knowing that eventually, throughout the course of hundreds of hours and a thousand tiny decisions, it will take shape and be filled with color, and life. There are no shortcuts here. I have to make every single dot. But I only have to make one dot at a time. And in life, I only have to take one step at a time, or breathe one breath at a time, or feel something hard for one moment at a time. And from that perspective, nothing can really stop me.
Just this moment.
Just this next step.
Just this next dot.
This philosophy keeps me grounded, grateful, and always in a place of momentum--even if it's slower for a time, it's still forward motion.
​My intention with Brian's Dots is to keep this perspective always--to enjoy the beauty of each moment, each step, and to continue to make things that celebrate and honor the human journey here on this beautiful, mysterious planet. Which, for me, is primarily about deepening in authenticity, expression, and love.
My own personal and professional journeys have offered me a chance to cultivate a whole lot of compassion for myself and, with that, for all of us. Each thing I put out in the world carries with it that understanding and love. I hope you feel it! May we all aim for the stars, whatever they represent for us, and "one dot at a time," may we reach them.
So much love,